Eclipse Media Inc.

Making Digital Transformation a Breeze

Companies have been on digital transformation paths for a while now to combat the threat of disruption from incumbent firms and newcomers.

But the going has been tough – up until the pandemic. 

Companies have accelerated efforts because they fear being outflanked by rivals, which has caused the rapid adoption of digital technology by three to seven years in only months. This makes Digital Transformation a norm and a necessity for all businesses.

What is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is all about transforming a business to conform to digital ways to meet the growing demands for modern changes. It includes employing digital technologies to develop new business practices, with business norms conforming to consumer demands. To transform a business to adapt to the current digital age, shifting business and market demands is a must for all businesses today.

The changes go beyond conventional job functions like sales, marketing, and customer service. Instead, digital transformation starts and ends with the idea of how you can better your business to become more customer-focused. With the help of digital technology, all the processes—from paperwork to spreadsheets, to the use of the internet away from conventional advertising, our business needs to adapt to serve customers better.

The Various Types of Digital Transformation

Business Process Transformation

Innovation in business processes alters how organizations operate on a daily basis. It has an impact on how employees access new technology and use it in the course of their daily work. An important goal of business process transformation is cost reduction. This involves automating manual procedures and maximizing investments in marketing and R&D by obtaining new data and implementing it into business decisions. Other goals include shortening the time to market, enhancing the quality of the goods and services, enhancing customer satisfaction, and enhancing brand reputation.

Transformation of the Business Model

Business models undergo this kind of evolution to be modified for the new digital environment. This necessitates carefully taking into account how the industry’s main business functions. A well-executed reform has the power to completely upend a sector, as Netflix did for home video and Amazon did for retail. Changing the business model frequently entails looking beyond what is already accepted in the industry and exploring the potential of new business models. It emphasizes creativity and “thinking outside the box” to enhance business outcomes.

Transformation of a Domain

Transcending conventional boundaries currently limiting a brand’s markets and opportunities is known as domain transformation. For instance, Amazon Web Services, the world’s largest cloud computing company with billions of dollars in revenue, was introduced by the online retailer Amazon. Large, cutting-edge data centers, which Amazon already had, were transformed into a new potential that gave rise to an entirely new market. The usage of technologies like artificial intelligence, new forms of mobile and wearable technology, and the internet of things has the potential to alter many different businesses.

Cultural Evolution

Any digital transformation program must consider culture since it is essential to its success. This change, however, may be hard for many organizations. To ensure that everyone is aware of the possibilities of new technology for enhancing the business, fostering internal collaboration, and developing new strategies for customers, digital transformation must begin with leveling up employees’ skillset.

A workforce that can adapt to change and is eager to continually learn and grow is necessary for leveraging technology and establishing a process of continuous innovation. To fully incorporate technology into an organization and revolutionize processes, business models, products, and communications, certain competencies and skills are required.

Cloud Transformation

Organizations can transition their information systems to cloud computing environments with the aid of the cloud transformation process. It can take many different forms. For instance, a business may migrate only certain apps, data, or services while keeping some legacy infrastructure in place, or it may migrate all of its infrastructures to the cloud. Ownership is a different aspect of cloud transformation; some businesses use the public cloud, a third-party data center run by a cloud provider. Others build their private clouds—cloud computing infrastructure that is housed internally.

Cloud innovation offers several advantages, including more effective data sharing and storage, quicker time-to-market, and greater organizational scalability and flexibility. Many mixes the two methods to create hybrid cloud management of infrastructure. It also presents significant organizational difficulties in terms of governance, security, and cost management.

Adapting to the Digital Age

Small enterprises that are just getting started to set up their business procedures don’t need to transform their business at a later time. Your company may be future-proofed right away. It’s simply unsustainable to run a 21st-century company on sticky notes and handwritten ledgers. Digital thinking, planning, and constructing positions you to be agile, adaptable, and ready to develop right now.

The rate of digital business change is also quickening. Digital change can’t happen just once. To better satisfy consumer expectations, organizations must adopt an attitude and culture of continuous improvement, adapting services and systems more quickly and regularly.

With Eclipse Media by your side,
your digital transformation will be as seamless as possible.